Monday, October 10, 2022

#October12DecolonizationDay #12OctubreDiaDeLaDescolonización


October 12, 2022



October 12, 2022 

 United Nations Human Rights Council

51st Session

Geneva, Switzerland

Wednesday September 28, 2022

Special Panel on the Negative Impact of the Legacies of Colonialism on the Enjoyment of Human Rights


UNWeb Live TV


Opening statement by Ms. Nada Al-Nashif, Acting United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


“Since the UN came into existence more than 80 former colonies comprising some 750 million people have gained independence. Nonetheless the process of decolonization remains incomplete.


The Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism that goes from 2021 to 2030 therefor presents an opportunity to accelerate the pace of action towards universal decolonization and to confront the legacies of colonialism.

As the two covenants remind us, all peoples have the right of self-determination.  That is, the right to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social, and cultural development.

The right of self-determination is an essential condition for the effective guarantee and observance of individual human rights and for the promotion and strengthening of those rights.”



Continental Commission Abya Yala 



Advancing in the continental campaign to denounce and dismantle the colonial Doctrine of Discovery as a racist and pervasive pathology of “White supremacy” that pretends to normalize the continuing  pogrom of centuries of genocide against the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala [Americas], today the Continental Commission Abya Yala convenes a series of actions and discussions from coast to coast, east to west and North to South across the entire hemisphere in the spirit of Self Determination as Original Nations of Mother Earth.


Synchronizing in sunrise ceremonies and direct actions in affirmation of the right of Self Determination as Peoples, equal to all other peoples, the Continental Commission Abya Yala proclaims the date of October 12 will be addressed as #October12DecolonizationDay from now on and will coincide with the United Nations Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism that goes from 2021 to 2030.


Over this period of time, the Continental Commission Abya Yala will continue to communicate, convene, and coordinate as an independent International Indigenous Working Group, towards the effective realization of the collective right of self-determination as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples, invoking the UN decolonization protocols and procedures established by UN General Assembly resolution 1514 in 1960.


Taking up the challenge of confronting the legacies of colonialism which was the subject of a special panel of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) this year in Geneva, the Continental Commission Abya Yala has communicated to the UNHRC that the legacies of colonialism are embedded in the UN system itself, and in fact are part of the geopolitical infrastructure of the UN.  As evidence of this, International Indigenous Working Group of the Continental Commission provided both written and oral interventions at the UNHRC session this year denouncing that the legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery was completely absent from the discussions on the theme of decolonization. In fact, access and implementation of effective corrective measures, procedures and mechanisms of the UN Decolonization Committee remain unmentioned and inaccessible to the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala.


The Continental Commission Abya Yala calls upon all surviving Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples to critically review the testimony and interventions of the Special Panel on the Negative Impact of the Legacies of Colonialism convened by the UNHRC on September 28, 2022.


In consequence, the Continental Commission Abya Yala plans to convene in early 2023 the International Indigenous Working Group in fulfillment of the Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples and in defense of the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.







March 12, 2022

Phoenix, AZ -  Following the lead of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia who proclaimed October 12 as the Day of Decolonization in 2018, TONATIERRA announced today that this year “#October12DecolonizationDay” will be the theme of a set of community empowerment initiatives from the local to regional, continental to global levels of engagement being coordinated by a continental alliance of Indigenous Nations and organizations.

Today March 12, 2022, marks the first day of the new year in the Mexica calendar of the Nahuatl Nations, one of many calendar systems developed over millennia by the Indigenous Peoples which are still being utilized on a daily and yearly basis by many Indigenous communities.

“There is a need to move beyond the cultural gesture of simply relabeling of ‘Columbus Day’ into ‘Indigenous Peoples Day’ in in the Gregorian Calendar of North America, while the structural dynamics of the colonization project that began 530 years ago continues full force under the modus operandi of the international trade agreements among the states such as US Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA).  Just like the original charter of the Papal Bulls by Pope Alexander VI (1493) Inter Caetera that purported to lend legitimacy via “Discovery” by Christendom to the expropriation and exploitation of Indigenous land and labor, the USMCA subjects Indigenous territories and resources to illegal and violent expropriation at the hands of extractive industries,” said Tupac Enrique Acosta of TONATIERRA.

In addition to drawing attention to the violations of the right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent for economic projects that impact Indigenous Peoples territories and Human Rights in the USMCA context from Mexico to Canada, the initial call to consciousness that motivates the #October12DecolonzationDay will begin with the invocation of the original article 36 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as follows:

Article 36 

Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded with States or their successors, according to their original spirit and intent, and to have States honour and respect such treaties, agreements, and other constructive arrangements. Conflicts and disputes which cannot otherwise be settled should be submitted to competent international bodies agreed to by all parties concerned.


The relevance of invoking the principles of the Original Article 36 of the UNDRIP is drawn from the recalling of the violent conflict of the Wounded Knee takeover in 1973. At the time, the Oceti Sakowin sent a delegation of traditional chiefs from Wounded Knee to the United Nations to call for international support and intervention against the violent invasion of the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty Territories.  The violation of the 1868 Treaty Territories was again a principal issue in the fight at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016.

An invasion is an invasion whether in 1868 or 2022, and international aggression is a crime against international law and the fundamental principles of the UN Charter whether in the Ukraine or at Standing Rock, South Dakota.

One of the powers of international personality in the UN system is the power to enter into treaty agreements, most importantly Peace Treaties.  In this regard and in this spirit, the Indigenous Peoples have relaunched the Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative which was proclaimed from the Nahuacalli, Embassy of Indigenous Peoples during the Gulf War of 2003:

“We must disarm the global regime of nationalism of the state. The psychologies of hatred and competition under which the government states of the world would have us sacrifice our humanity and our children to senseless wars will no longer be tolerated. As Indigenous Peoples of the world, we further challenge the government states of the United Nations system to criminalize the destructive impact of warfare upon the ecosystems of the Earth itself, by defining appropriate international legal protocols regarding the conduct of warfare such as the Geneva Convention."

In a critical time in the history of humanity, when the so-called great powers of geopolitical stature maneuver and war against each other to dominate or control their competing spheres of influence, the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples call to spirit of humanity as a whole, to recall that we cannot hope for Peace on Earth if we do not live in peace with Mother Earth.


At a time of great uncertainty being fomented by the real threat of nuclear warfare and climate chaos exacerbated by fossil fuel based economic development across the world, the Indigenous Peoples have reemerged to offer the hope of the Xinachtli Nuclear Peace Pact, for all peoples and nations great and small to address their disagreements and disputes in non-militarized manner and with utmost respect and appreciation for the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.


The activities of the #October12DecolonizationDay initiative this year will specifically address the right of Self Determination of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples in the context of Resolution 48/7 adopted by the Human Rights Council on 8 October 2021 titled Negative impact of the legacies of colonialism on the enjoyment of human rights.




Indigenous Nationhood and Self Determination

The Legacies of Colonialism and the 1999 Treaty Study by Miguel Alfonso Martinez

In consideration of the adoption of Resolution 48/7 “Negative impact of the legacies of colonialism on the enjoyment of human rights” by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on 8 October 2021, and the call for input by the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) as a subsidiary body to the UNCHR for a study whose purpose is to assess the extent to which article 37 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous  Peoples (UNDRIP) has been and is being implemented or considered nationally, we submit the following:




Yancuic Xihuitl: WorldWaterONE

In preparation for the Mexica New Year ceremony on March 12, 2022, there is a five day period of preparation and purification called the Nemontemi.

The Calpolli Izkaloteka have allowed the sacred fire of the Nahuacalco which has been sustained all year, to expire and lay in repose for the five days of the Nemontemi.

The sacred Axicalli Gourds of Water have been laid before our altars in our homes, in our communities, and upon the sacred sites of Mother Earth. Accordingly, here is where and how the essential intentions, prayers, dreams, and visions of the Nemontemi will be collected as the Xinachtli (Seed) of memory for the coming generations of all life on Mother Earth.

Passing through a time of the most extreme threat of war, destruction, ecological devastation, and inhumanity, the Calpolli Nahuacalco of Izkalotlan offers once again the simplest of prayers for the well-being and protection of all life: Cemanuak - Water of Life:

WorldWater: ONE




Tuesday, August 2, 2022

GENOCIDE: The Immolation of Hatuey

 The Immolation of Hatuey
February 2, 1512

Yara, Cuba



In 1511, Diego Velázquez set out from Hispaniola to conquer what is now known as the island of Cuba and subjugate Cuba's indigenous people, the Taíno, who had previously been recorded by Christopher Columbus. Velázquez was preceded, however, by Hatuey, who fled Hispaniola with a party of four hundred in canoes and warned some of the Native people of eastern Cuba about what to expect from the Spaniards.


Bartolomé de Las Casas later attributed the following speech to Hatuey which was addressed against Christianity. He showed the Taíno of Caobana a basket of gold and jewels, saying:


“Here is the God the Spaniards worship. For these they fight and kill; for these they persecute us and that is why we have to throw them into the sea... They tell us, these tyrants, that they adore a God of peace and equality, and yet they usurp our land and make us their slaves. They speak to us of an immortal soul and of their eternal rewards and punishments, and yet they rob our belongings, seduce our women, violate our daughters. Incapable of matching us in valor, these cowards cover themselves with iron that our weapons cannot break...”


The Taíno chiefs in Cuba did not respond to Hatuey's message, and few joined him to fight. Hatuey resorted to guerrilla tactics against the Spaniards, and was able to confine them for a time. He and his fighters were able to kill at least eight Spanish soldiers. Eventually, using mastiffs and torturing the Native people for information, the Spaniards succeeded in capturing him. On February 2, 1512, he was tied to a stake and burned alive at Yara, near the present-day City of Bayamo.


Before he was burned, a priest asked Hatuey if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. Las Casas recalled the reaction of the chief:


“[Hatuey], thinking a little, asked the religious man if Spaniards went to heaven. The religious man answered yes... The chief then said without further thought that he did not want to go there but to hell so as not to be where they were and where he would not see such cruel people. This is the name and honor that God and our faith have earned.”




The international crime against humanity is not addressed, much less resolved with justice by apology.







Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery:
"Apologies do not bring justice."




Ignorance Disguised as Legalization of Empire:

Communiqué to the Vatican:
DISMANTLING the Doctrine of Discovery

Our position is that the Vatican State, the Holy See and Your Holiness Pope Francis must take adequate measures and advance in the process of international responsibility for the role that the Catholic Church has played in the origin and as intellectual author of the criminal violations of Human Rights which continue to be normalized by the Doctrine of Discovery.

We exhort Your Holiness to make public comment in repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery and in clarification of the contradictions here documented.

Plenary Assembly of V Continental Summit of Indigenous Nations and Pueblos of Abya Yala

Secretariat of the Continental Commision Abya Yala

Continental Commission Abya Yala:
October 12, 2021 Position Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Continental Commission Abya Yala

Centro Cultural Techantit - Maya Vision


Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery 

Recommendation: Strengthening the Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples of the United Nations


We call for the reinforcement of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:


In consequence and implementation of the pertinent recommendations formulated by the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues we call for the integration of a formal evaluation and a methodology of the processes of repudiation and dismantling of the racist relic of the by the government states of the Americas by the Special Doctrine of Discovery Rapporteur on each and every one of her official visits to countries whose claims of jurisdiction as successor states to the Doctrine on our continent of Abya Yala [Americas] are normalized by the Doctrine of the Discovery of Christendom, the Papal Bulls of Pope Alexander VI Inter Caetera (1493) and the concept of “Original Property of the State” in the Americas.




Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery: "Apologies do not bring justice."


Attached is a document archive which includes some of the background information on the supposed "abrogation" of the Doctrine of Discovery by the Vatican.  These exchanges were part of a "con" versation (not "ex-con") since the con job continues, some of the exchanges took place at the UN headquarters with the Papal Nuncio in a face to face meeting.

The Vatican is complicit. The crime is colonization. The crime scene is the aftermath of genocide: Physical-Cultural-Political-Psychological. The crime continues.

If we as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples Nican Titlacah Ichachitlan Abya Yala were to take at the 'abrogation' position of the Vatican seriously and in sincerity, the situation is compounded by the fact of this quote in 2012 by Bishop Bergolio of Buenos Aires, born of of an Italian American family who settled in what is now called Argentina (think silver mines - Latin: argentum).

Last year, at a Mass at Buenos Aires for the 30th anniversary of the 1982 Falklands War, the future Pope told worshippers: “We come to pray for all who have fallen, sons of the homeland who went out to defend their mother, the homeland, and to reclaim what is theirs, that is of the homeland, and it was usurped.”)

The claim by Argentina to the Falkland Islands (called the Islas Malvinas in Argentina) can only be derived from the purported claim by Spain under the nefarius Papal Bulls of Christendom. The same Christendom that Argentina has systematically invoked as a successor state to Spain of the purported right of territorial domination of Christendom as a geopolitical entity (similar to NATO) over the rights and HISTORY of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples.  The domination schema is not only territorial, it is temporal. The Centurians guard the gates of the empire.

In other words, in his own words, whatever the Vatican says about abrogation or rescinding the Doctrine of Discovery in 1537 or whenever, the memo never got to Bishop Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) since the charge of "usurpation" implies the recognition of the legal validity of the claim to the Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands today. Not in 1492, 1493, 1537 or the way why are we still using their calendar to define our history?

TONATIERRA - Message to Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission: Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

A comprehensive historical understanding and analysis of the systematic human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples in the Americas [North-Central-South] must necessarily integrate a critical position in terms of the international trade policies of the “Corporate Metropolitan States in competition and systemic collusion over the extraction of natural resources and labor of the Original Nations of Indigenous peoples of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala.  As both example and evidence, the “Privileges and Prerogatives Granted by Their Catholic Majesties to Christopher Columbus (1492)” outline the rewards and protections of the initial colonial enterprise of seeking World Trade Organization routes to the Indies on behalf of the European Royalty.  These packages of privilege and profit are institutionalized today via the multilateral international trade agreements such as the recently adopted US-Mexico-Canada Agreement USMCA (2020).


On this point, we would concur with the statement by TLHRC co-chair James P. McGovern (D-MA) made during the virtual hearing on November 20:


“We should be examining the impacts of our trade agreements on Indigenous Rights.”



Final comments:
  • The issue of the Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas has been a permanent item on the agenda of the UN Decolonization Committee since 1964.
  • The Vatican as the Imperial Arbiter of Christendom never has had any moral or legal right to ascribe its domination over our Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples. Never will.

    The Vatican Bank must answer in its accounting system to the violations of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent regarding projects that affect the territories and human rights of Indigenous Peoples.  These violations must be identified as legal liabilities, issues of risk and this standard must be adopted by all financial institutions of the international banking system.  In particular, this standard must be applied to the extractive industries presently invading Indigenous Territories under the legaloid perfume of the concessions given them by the successor states to the Doctrine of Discover in the Americas (all of them) over territories which are under the jurisdiction of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples.
  • The Vatican is a member state of the UN system. As a member state, the Vatican State aka the Holy See must be held accountable to the procedures of decolonization that are referenced in the UN General Assembly resolution 1514, 1547 et. al.  The Vatican State has a legal responsibility as a UN member state to commit to the decolonization of this continent, in the spirit of the full and effective realization of the right of Indigenous Self Determination as "Peoples, equal to all other peoples..." with Treaties, equal to all other treaties, and with the right of Nationhood and nationality in our own right, and with our own light.

As Indigenous Peoples of Anahuac, we are not conquered peoples. We reject, refute, and challenge the Master’s Narrative that the claims that the colonizing invasion of the Spanish Conquistadors into our territories is anything more that simply that: an illegal invasion that continues until today in with multinational corporate armor and international trade agreements.  Against this invasion of 500 years, we continue to resist, rebel, and reassert our right of Self Determination as Indigenous Peoples, equal to all other peoples.


·      We repudiate, denounce, defy the violent imposition of the nefarious “Doctrine of Discovery of Christendom (1492)” via the Papal Bulls Inter Caetera (1493), et al as the legaloid basis which the Mexican state claims in order to usurp and violate our territories without moral or legal justification, embodied in the concept of Original Property of the Nation which was instituted nationally with the Constitution of Mexico in 1917;


Saturday, April 2, 2022



Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery: "Apologies do not bring justice."


Attached is a document archive which includes some of the background information on the supposed "abrogation" of the Doctrine of Discovery by the Vatican.  These exchanges were part of a "con" versation (not "ex-con") since the con job continues, some of the exchanges took place at the UN headquarters with the Papal Nuncio in a face to face meeting.

The Vatican is complicit. The crime is colonization. The crime scene is the aftermath of genocide: Physical-Cultural-Political-Psychological. The crime continues.

If we as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples Nican Titlacah Ichachitlan Abya Yala were to take at the 'abrogation' position of the Vatican seriously and in sincerity, the situation is compounded by the fact of this quote in 2012 by Bishop Bergolio of Buenos Aires, born of of an Italian American family who settled in what is now called Argentina (think silver mines - Latin: argentum).

Last year, at a Mass at Buenos Aires for the 30th anniversary of the 1982 Falklands War, the future Pope told worshippers: “We come to pray for all who have fallen, sons of the homeland who went out to defend their mother, the homeland, and to reclaim what is theirs, that is of the homeland, and it was usurped.”)

The claim by Argentina to the Falkland Islands (called the Islas Malvinas in Argentina) can only be derived from the purported claim by Spain under the nefarius Papal Bulls of Christendom. The same Christendom that Argentina has systematically invoked as a successor state to Spain of the purported right of territorial domination of Christendom as a geopolitical entity (similar to NATO) over the rights and HISTORY of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples.  The domination schema is not only territorial, it is temporal. The Centurians guard the gates of the empire.

In other words, in his own words, whatever the Vatican says about abrogation or rescinding the Doctrine of Discovery in 1537 or whenever, the memo never got to Bishop Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) since the charge of "usurpation" implies the recognition of the legal validity of the claim to the Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands today. Not in 1492, 1493, 1537 or the way why are we still using their calendar to define our history?

TONATIERRA - Message to Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission: Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

A comprehensive historical understanding and analysis of the systematic human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples in the Americas [North-Central-South] must necessarily integrate a critical position in terms of the international trade policies of the “Corporate Metropolitan States in competition and systemic collusion over the extraction of natural resources and labor of the Original Nations of Indigenous peoples of the Great Turtle Island Abya Yala.  As both example and evidence, the “Privileges and Prerogatives Granted by Their Catholic Majesties to Christopher Columbus (1492)” outline the rewards and protections of the initial colonial enterprise of seeking World Trade Organization routes to the Indies on behalf of the European Royalty.  These packages of privilege and profit are institutionalized today via the multilateral international trade agreements such as the recently adopted US-Mexico-Canada Agreement USMCA (2020).


On this point, we would concur with the statement by TLHRC co-chair James P. McGovern (D-MA) made during the virtual hearing on November 20:


“We should be examining the impacts of our trade agreements on Indigenous Rights.”



Final comments:
  • The issue of the Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas has been a permanent item on the agenda of the UN Decolonization Committee since 1964.
  • The Vatican as the Imperial Arbiter of Christendom never has had any moral right to ascribe its domination over our Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples. Never will.
    The Vatican Bank must answer in its accounting system to the violations of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent regarding projects that affect the territories and human rights of Indigneous Peoples.  These violations must be identified as legal liabilities, issues of risk and this standard must be adopted by all financial institutions of the international banking system.  In particular, this standard must be applied to the extractive industries presently invading Indigneous Territories under the legaloid perfume of the concessions given them by the successor states to the Doctrine of Discover in the Americas (all of them) over territories which are under the jurisdiction of the Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples.
  • The Vatican is a member state of the UN system. As a member state, the Vatican State aka the Holy See must be held accountable to the procedures of decolonization that are referenced in the UN General Assembly resolution 1514, 1547 et. al.  The Vatican State has a legal responsibility as a UN member state to commit to the decolonization of this continent, in the spirit of the full and effective realization of the right of Indigenous Self Determination as "Peoples, equal to all other peoples..." with Treaties, equal to all other treaties, and with the right of Nationhood and nationality in our own right, and with our own light.

As Indigenous Peoples of Anahuac, we are not conquered peoples. We reject, refute, and challenge the Master’s Narrative that the claims that the colonizing invasion of the Spanish Conquistadors into our territories is anything more that simply that: an illegal invasion that continues until today in with multinational corporate armor and international trade agreements.  Against this invasion of 500 years, we continue to resist, rebel, and reassert our right of Self Determination as Indigenous Peoples, equal to all other peoples.


·      We repudiate, denounce, defy the violent imposition of the nefarious “Doctrine of Discovery of Christendom (1492)” via the Papal Bulls Inter Caetera (1493), et al as the legaloid basis which the Mexican state claims in order to usurp and violate our territories without moral or legal justification, embodied in the concept of Original Property of the Nation which was instituted nationally with the Constitution of Mexico in 1917;