Friday, March 23, 2012

II Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nations Abya Yala

Kito Kara Territories
Quito, Ecuador July 21-25, 2004
Resolution for Action Presented to Plenary Session
Submitted by:  Tlahtokan Nahuacalli, Izkalotlan Pueblo, Aztlan

Issue: Call for Tribunal of Justice, by all Humanity, in the Court of the Indigenous Peoples Abya Yala regarding the Doctrine of Discovery of the Americas, specifically the ongoing colonization and genocide perpetrated with the guise of intellectual authorization of the Papal Bull INTER CETERA of Pope Alexander VI, 1493.

Action: We call for a permanent tribunal of justice at all levels of humanity across the globe, to address this issue in the historical and legal context of the universal principles of justice and jurisprudence of the Indigenous Peoples.


Geneva, August 1, 1991
Chief of State of the Vatican
Pope John Paul II
Rome, Italy

The indigenous delegates present at the Palace of Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, in debate regarding the Universal Declaration of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, convened by the "Working Group on Indigenous People" of the United Nations, hereby present and declare:

In view of the declaration on May 3, 4, 1493, of the Papal Bull INTER CETERA, by which territories of Indigenous Peoples are conceded to Spain and Portugal, without taking into account the material or spiritual rights  of the Indigenous Peoples in the case of ABYA YALA (America) and other parts of the world;
In defence of the sacred rights of the indigenous people, and in promotion of human dignity and harmony that should reign among humanity on this planet;
For all these purposes:

1) We demand from the Vatican state a denunciation of the unilateral treaty of Pope Alexander VI (TORDESILLAS) as being contrary to the Universal Human Rights of Peoples.

2) Whereas the year 1993 completes 500 years of a supposed spiritual conquest without clear rectification of this universal injustice, allowing the nation-states that have benefited from the inheritance of Pope Alejandro VI to continue programmes of genocide and ethnocide, denying the indigenous people the recuperation of a harmony based on reciprocal human respect, we demand that the Papal Bull of May 3, 4, 1493 ÍNTER CETERA be annulled.

3) We direct John Paul II to accede to universal concepts of justice including the spiritual and material rights of Indigenous Peoples, in furtherance of life, harmony of human beings with our Sacred Mother Earth, and the spiritual peace of the Great Creator in accord with the cosmovision of each one of our Indigenous Peoples, free from all oppression.

Thus we proclaim in the name of Human Dignity, in harmony with our Mother Nature and in the Spirit of Truth.


The indigenous delegates, and organizations.

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